Capstone Project

Immersive Research Lab

A person wearing augmented reality glasses looks at a computer screen displaying participant information and a research protocol, which includes tasks and notes sections. The screen shows a pink button labeled End Research.


Researchers at Teague have been using virtual reality to facilitate collaborative design with their global customers. They are now looking at new ways to use this tool in simulated contextual research settings, allowing them to gather emotional and situational data from participants.


To better understand the problem space the team interviewed subject matter experts in the field of design research, as well as performing cognitive walkthroughs and heuristic evaluations to examine existing qualitative research tools. Finally, they triangulated their findings with 56 survey responses at Teague to prioritize key features for their design.


Using human-centered design methods, the team developed an all-in-one research platform that provides real-time sentiment feedback for researchers to probe deeper at the moment when they see conflicting or interesting emotions. Their proof-of-concept prototype aims to demonstrate how these features come together within an enhanced VR research environment.

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