Capstone Project

Capstone Overview PDF
Submit a proposal now

GIX Capstone Projects offer corporate sponsors up to six months of access to international and interdisciplinary teams of graduate students in the University of Washington’s project-based Master of Science in Technology Innovation program.

Capstone teams spend up to six months developing novel solutions for companies using advanced technologies with strong commercial potential and high social impact.

Following a selection and scoping process with faculty and leadership from GIX, sponsors engage and support their Capstone Teams about once per week for the duration of the project.

Ideal problem areas focus on novel applications for emerging technologies, incorporating hardware/software development, design and user experience, and market or business opportunity exploration. Preference is given to problem areas that address an unmet social need.

Sponsors can expect capstone teams to complete an iterative design cycle, including user research, two rounds of evaluative testing, and one round of functional testing. Teams will also deliver a proof-of-concept working prototype and a functional end-to-end software application. Finally, teams provide sponsors with a comprehensive business analysis, including stakeholder and market assessments, a go-to-market strategy, and a six-month continuation plan.

Throughout the process, the three- to five-member capstone teams are mentored and supervised by leading university faculty and experts from Seattle’s world-renowned innovation ecosystem.

  • Winter 2024: Launch Studio applications open
  • Spring 2024: Launch Project proposals under review
  • Spring/Summer 2024: Launch Projects scoped and announced
  • Summer 2024: Sponsors present projects to Launch teams
  • Fall 2024: Launch Studio begins (6 months)
  • Spring 2025: Final Launch Studio presentation

USD 25,000 per capstone project. Unlimited capstone project proposals are included as a benefit to GIX consortium members.

Interested in Sponsoring a Project?

At the University of Washington’s Global Innovation Exchange, a joint initiative of the College of Engineering and Foster School of Business, we solicit proposals for capstone project throughout the year. For more information, please download our one-pager overview or contact us directly:

Capstone Overview PDF

Katelin Cannon, MBA
Director of Partnerships & Engagement Programs
Global Innovation Exchange
University of Washington

Email Katelin

Katelin Cannon