Technology Foundations
Credits: 3
This course serves as a review of intermediate level objected oriented programming concepts in Python and will also focus on using Python to perform data analysis, visualization, and manipulation. Note: Students who have completely met the MSTI prerequisites may petition to replace this class with an elective.
Introduction to Sensors and Circuits
Credits: 3
Students develop the background and techniques needed to connect digital systems to the physical world.
Fabrication & Physical Prototyping
Credits: 3
Students learn the concepts and skills required to design, prototype and fabricate physical artifacts, including 2-D and 3-D CAD modeling, high-fidelity prototyping (laser cutting, CNC milling, 3-D printing) and low-fidelity prototyping (paper, foam, media). Industry standards for manufacturing are also covered.
Design Thinking Studio
Credits: 3
Working in teams, students learn and apply the entire user-centered design process to real-world problem, executing methods to design, prototype and evaluate ideas for innovative solutions in a team project.
Robotics Lab 1 (Robotics Track)
This is the required winter quarter Lab 1 course for the Robotics track. Students learn and apply fundamental principles for robotics applications including basic manipulation and motion planning.
Hardware/Software Lab 1 (Connected Devices track)
Credits: 4
This is the required winter quarter Lab 1 course for the Connected Devices track. Students execute a series of projects to integrate software and hardware concepts learned in the Prepare phase of the program.
Managing Data and Signal Processing
Credits: 3
Students learn the basics of digital signal processing and machine learning, as well as simple methods for storing, managing and retrieving data in the cloud.
Programming for Digital and Physical User Interfaces
Credits: 4
Students build fundamental programming skills, with a focus on sensor-based signals (including audio and images) and useful tools for prototyping software and hardware user interfaces.
History & Future of Technology
Credits: 2
Students gain an understanding and appreciation of past trends in hardware and software technology, in order to think about future technology trends and develop prototypes for futuristic ideas.
Hardware/Software Lab 2 (Connected Devices track)
Credits: 4
This the required spring quarter Lab course for the Connected Devices track. Students continue prototyping hardware/software systems, with the added complexity of signal processing, networking, cloud interfaces and web-based user interfaces.
Robotics Lab 2 (Robotics track)
Credits: 4
This is the required spring quarter Lab course for the Robotics track. Students build on foundational knowledge from Lab 1: Robotics to continue to learn increasingly complex principles for robotics application including mobility and navigation.
Essentials of Entrepreneurship
Credits: 3
Students explore the key issues and strategies involved in evaluating new market opportunities and starting a new venture including identifying new venture opportunities, developing and testing market strategies, evaluating test market performance, and evaluating business plans.
Students learn the basics of finance and accounting for start-up businesses, including reading and understanding a profit-and-loss statement, managing cash flow and margins, and making investments in high-growth businesses.
Fundamentals of Technology Strategy
Credits: 2
Students are introduced to the core concepts of business level strategy with a particular emphasis on establishing and maintaining a competitive advantage through strategy formulation and implementation.
User Research & Evaluation Studio
Credits: 3
This project-based course focuses on the user research components of the design process. Students learn methods to engage stakeholders and elicit their needs to provide insight for defining requirements for ethically grounded designs. It also covers aspects of evaluation of technology designs with potential users, including usability and user experience evaluation techniques.
Internship/CPT (optional)
Credits: 5-10
Students may choose to pursue a part or full time internship to broaden and apply their skills in a real-world industry internship. Additional tuition and fees may apply to earn internship credit.
Study Abroad (optional)
Credits: 0-5
Students may choose to pursue a study abroad experience either through the Global Innovation Exchange’s custom programs, or University of Washington Study Abroad.
Launch Project Planning
Credits: 1
This course is for exploration and planning of Launch Project options, and meet industry sponsors who will present information on real-world industry problems and challenges. Students select which problems they would like to propose solutions for are placed in project teams.
Planning and Managing Hardware/Software Development
Credits: 2
Students gain experience in creating a software/hardware product roadmap and an engineering/development plan.
Integrated Launch Studio 1
Credits: 4
In this first course of a two-quarter course sequence, students work in teams with guidance from industry sponsors to plan and execute the front-end phases of a comprehensive MSTI Launch Project, including problem framing and scoping, exploration of needs and business constraints, and exploration of technology platforms with early prototyping.
Building Effective Teams
Credits: 3
Students learn concepts and principles that are fundamental to developing teams capable of extraordinary performance, helping lay the foundation for high performance in their teams during the launch project.
Visual, Interaction, and Industrial Design Studio
Credits: 3
This course immerses students in the theory and practice of basic design concepts for the design of interactive products that are functionally, emotionally and aesthetically appealing.
Corporate & IP Law for Technology Innovators
Credits: 2
This course introduces key areas of business law, including common organizational structures such as corporations, LLCs, and nonprofit/low-profit entities. It also covers the roles of founders, directors and shareholders in each structure, as well as the basics of intellectual property and copyright law.
Integrated Launch Studio 2
Credits: 8
Working in teams, students finalize their launch projects with a focus on proof-of-concept prototyping, business case, and final solution in connected devices or robotics innovation.
Launch Seminar
Credits: 1
This seminar focuses on preparing students for transitioning from student to professional, covering design and software/hardware industry trends and career outlook. Guest lectures in topics relevant to technology innovation, including leadership skills, program management, entrepreneurship, and ethics are presented.
Technology Foundations
Credits: 3
This course serves as a review of intermediate level objected oriented programming concepts in Python and will also focus on using Python to perform data analysis, visualization, and manipulation. Note: Students who have completely met the MSTI prerequisites may petition to replace this class with an elective.
Introduction to Sensors and Circuits
Credits: 3
Students develop the background and techniques needed to connect digital systems to the physical world.
Fabrication & Physical Prototyping
Credits: 3
Students learn the concepts and skills required to design, prototype and fabricate physical artifacts, including 2-D and 3-D CAD modeling, high-fidelity prototyping (laser cutting, CNC milling, 3-D printing) and low-fidelity prototyping (paper, foam, media). Industry standards for manufacturing are also covered.
Design Thinking Studio
Credits: 3
Working in teams, students learn and apply the entire user-centered design process to real-world problem, executing methods to design, prototype and evaluate ideas for innovative solutions in a team project.
Robotics Lab 1 (Robotics Track)
This is the required winter quarter Lab 1 course for the Robotics track. Students learn and apply fundamental principles for robotics applications including basic manipulation and motion planning.
Hardware/Software Lab 1 (Connected Devices track)
Credits: 4
This is the required winter quarter Lab 1 course for the Connected Devices track. Students execute a series of projects to integrate software and hardware concepts learned in the Prepare phase of the program.
Managing Data and Signal Processing
Credits: 3
Students learn the basics of digital signal processing and machine learning, as well as simple methods for storing, managing and retrieving data in the cloud.
Programming for Digital and Physical User Interfaces
Credits: 4
Students build fundamental programming skills, with a focus on sensor-based signals (including audio and images) and useful tools for prototyping software and hardware user interfaces.
History & Future of Technology
Credits: 2
Students gain an understanding and appreciation of past trends in hardware and software technology, in order to think about future technology trends and develop prototypes for futuristic ideas.
Hardware/Software Lab 2 (Connected Devices track)
Credits: 4
This the required spring quarter Lab course for the Connected Devices track. Students continue prototyping hardware/software systems, with the added complexity of signal processing, networking, cloud interfaces and web-based user interfaces.
Robotics Lab 2 (Robotics track)
Credits: 4
This is the required spring quarter Lab course for the Robotics track. Students build on foundational knowledge from Lab 1: Robotics to continue to learn increasingly complex principles for robotics application including mobility and navigation.
Essentials of Entrepreneurship
Credits: 3
Students explore the key issues and strategies involved in evaluating new market opportunities and starting a new venture including identifying new venture opportunities, developing and testing market strategies, evaluating test market performance, and evaluating business plans.
Students learn the basics of finance and accounting for start-up businesses, including reading and understanding a profit-and-loss statement, managing cash flow and margins, and making investments in high-growth businesses.
Fundamentals of Technology Strategy
Credits: 2
Students are introduced to the core concepts of business level strategy with a particular emphasis on establishing and maintaining a competitive advantage through strategy formulation and implementation.
User Research & Evaluation Studio
Credits: 3
This project-based course focuses on the user research components of the design process. Students learn methods to engage stakeholders and elicit their needs to provide insight for defining requirements for ethically grounded designs. It also covers aspects of evaluation of technology designs with potential users, including usability and user experience evaluation techniques.
Internship/CPT (optional)
Credits: 5-10
Students may choose to pursue a part or full time internship to broaden and apply their skills in a real-world industry internship. Additional tuition and fees may apply to earn internship credit.
Study Abroad (optional)
Credits: 0-5
Students may choose to pursue a study abroad experience either through the Global Innovation Exchange’s custom programs, or University of Washington Study Abroad.
Launch Project Planning
Credits: 1
This course is for exploration and planning of Launch Project options, and meet industry sponsors who will present information on real-world industry problems and challenges. Students select which problems they would like to propose solutions for are placed in project teams.
Planning and Managing Hardware/Software Development
Credits: 2
Students gain experience in creating a software/hardware product roadmap and an engineering/development plan.
Integrated Launch Studio 1
Credits: 4
In this first course of a two-quarter course sequence, students work in teams with guidance from industry sponsors to plan and execute the front-end phases of a comprehensive MSTI Launch Project, including problem framing and scoping, exploration of needs and business constraints, and exploration of technology platforms with early prototyping.
Building Effective Teams
Credits: 3
Students learn concepts and principles that are fundamental to developing teams capable of extraordinary performance, helping lay the foundation for high performance in their teams during the launch project.
Visual, Interaction, and Industrial Design Studio
Credits: 3
This course immerses students in the theory and practice of basic design concepts for the design of interactive products that are functionally, emotionally and aesthetically appealing.
Corporate & IP Law for Technology Innovators
Credits: 2
This course introduces key areas of business law, including common organizational structures such as corporations, LLCs, and nonprofit/low-profit entities. It also covers the roles of founders, directors and shareholders in each structure, as well as the basics of intellectual property and copyright law.
Integrated Launch Studio 2
Credits: 8
Working in teams, students finalize their launch projects with a focus on proof-of-concept prototyping, business case, and final solution in connected devices or robotics innovation.
Launch Seminar
Credits: 1
This seminar focuses on preparing students for transitioning from student to professional, covering design and software/hardware industry trends and career outlook. Guest lectures in topics relevant to technology innovation, including leadership skills, program management, entrepreneurship, and ethics are presented.
Meet your Dean
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Useful information that users should know, even when skimming content.
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Test Faculty
Tiffany Wang
UW MSTI 2022
H1 Headline
Lastest Update: August 23, 2022
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in Formative in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
H2 Headline
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.
H3 Headline
Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.
H4 Headline
Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
H5 Headline
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.
H6 Headline - Ordered List
Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit.
Underlined ordered list item
Underlined & italic ordered list item
Italic ordered list item
Bold & italic ordered list item
Bold ordered list item
Bold & underline ordered list item
H6 Headline - Unordered List
Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit.
Underlined unordered list item
Underlined & italic unordered list item
Italic unordered list item
Bold & italic unordered list item
Bold unordered list item
Bold & underline unordered list item
Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming.
Optional information to help a user be more successful.
Crucial information necessary for users to succeed.
Critical content demanding immediate user attention due to potential risks.
Negative potential consequences of an action.
Test Promot 1
How much text can go
Test Process
Create a technology device concept and identify needed components At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos duc qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas excepturi sint.
Use the components supplied by the proto-typing labs, and use the tools to assemble the electronics and create a housing lorem ipsum dolor set longer content
Test your device using the testing equipment in the labs or field test it
Upcoming Events for MSTI alumni
At vero eos censes aut quid sit numeranda nec in culpa, qui in sanguinem suum tam inportuno tamque lorem ipsum dolor set amet est un veritas.
Monthly Labs Tour
Bellevue, Washington
February 5: 12:00-12:45pm
Tour the GIX Prototyping Labs, meet current students, and see recent projects.
test 2
Sep 26th 2024
MSTI Sample Classes
Bellevue, Washington
Next Sample Class: Jan 14, 5:45- 7:30pm
Experience the curriculum by joining a sample class, taught by program faculty.
MSTI Sample Classes
Bellevue, Washington
Next Sample Class: Jan 14, 5:45- 7:30pm
Experience the curriculum by joining a sample class, taught by program faculty.
test 2
Sep 26th 2024
Monthly Labs Tour
Bellevue, Washington
February 5: 12:00-12:45pm
Tour the GIX Prototyping Labs, meet current students, and see recent projects.
Bachelor's degree: Computer Engineering
I am a software developer with a passion for robotics and entrepreneurship. I studied Computer Engineering from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and have both research and internship experience in robotics. I have worked on an MLOps startup in the past and am now working on an AI health tech startup alongside my coursework. I love solving complex problems that arise in tech startups and enjoy working in multidisciplinary teams who approach problems in a holistic way.
Connect on LinkedIn
Bachelor's degree: Computer Engineering
I am a software developer with a passion for robotics and entrepreneurship. I studied Computer Engineering from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and have both research and internship experience in robotics. I have worked on an MLOps startup in the past and am now working on an AI health tech startup alongside my coursework. I love solving complex problems that arise in tech startups and enjoy working in multidisciplinary teams who approach problems in a holistic way.
Connect on LinkedIn
Bachelor's degree: Computer Engineering
I am a software developer with a passion for robotics and entrepreneurship. I studied Computer Engineering from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and have both research and internship experience in robotics. I have worked on an MLOps startup in the past and am now working on an AI health tech startup alongside my coursework. I love solving complex problems that arise in tech startups and enjoy working in multidisciplinary teams who approach problems in a holistic way.
Connect on LinkedIn